Aged care workers are set to receive a major pay boost in the upcoming federal budget

Aged care workers are set to receive a major pay boost in the upcoming federal budget, with salary increases of up to $10,000 per year to cover rising living costs. The $11.3 billion package announced by Aged Care Minister Anika Wells will benefit 250,000 workers including registered nurses, enrolled nurses, assistant in nursing, aged care […]
Aged Care Investment: $11.3 Billion for Workers, Improved Care for Elders

The Australian Government is delivering the largest ever pay rise to aged care workers, investing $11.3 billion to fund the Fair Work Commission’s interim decision for a 15% increase. Better, fairer pay will help attract and retain workers, while training programs will advance skills, enrich aged care careers and improve quality care. This package will […]
New training partnership with Business SA

We’re proud to be partnering with @BusinessSA to deliver accredited training to businesses and industry across the state, as part of a strategy to address the skills shortage in SA. For more information please click here
Promoting inclusion, equality and employment opportunities

This great outcome was made possible through effective collaboration between the Interact team and fellow IntoWork businesses – Mas National and iTFE.
iTFE extends Liquor License contract with NSW Government

iTFE is pleased to announce it has received approval from the NSW Government to continue delivering high-quality Licensee and Advanced Licensee Training in NSW. As one of a small number of Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) approved to offer Licensee and Advanced Licensee training on behalf of Liquor & Gaming NSW, iTFE will continue to offer […]
IntoWork welcomes investment in skills, employment and training initiatives

The IntoWork Group welcomes the Australian Government’s increased investment in employment and training initiatives including the expanded and extended Boosting Apprenticeship Commencements (BAC) wage subsidy and the significant increase in training places through JobTrainer. The budget includes $1.2 billion to uncap the BAC program and extend the subsidy to 12 months from the date of commencement, and an additional […]